Saturday, April 11, 2009

It's been a couple days since I posted because I haven't worked since my last post. I have some youth league games coming up this afternoon, but other than that I'm not working again until next Wednesday. Today should be some interesting games, the only question is whether it will be good interesting or bad interesting. It's a huge multi-court facility with games going on from 8 AM to 8PM pretty much every weekend. I actually got a set of games in the afternoon which is rare for me, usually I just work the morning ones. Anyways to go back to my earlier statement about the games being interesting, it's because this league is very hit or miss. You have your one or two dominating teams in each age bracket, then you have the average teams, and then come the really bad teams. Depending on what match ups you get is what determines how your game goes. Last week for instance I had a 5 game set (insane? maybe...) and of the 5, 4 were not even close. They were all varsity level games too with the exception of the last one being a 10U I believe. The ironic thing was the quality of the 10U game blew the Varsity games out of the water. Hopefully tomorrow I will get some good games on my court. I should have an interesting time with my partner too, I've never actually worked/talked much with him before. It will be interesting to see how we mesh on the court. I'll post the full details soon, good or bad.

And in case I don't post before then, Happy Easter to everyone who reads my blog (if anyone actually does) :)

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